reports shown below are available to view in full
size using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Please visit this
link to download
and install the latest version of Adobe
Acrobat Reader if you do not have it installed on
your computer. Adobe Acrobat
reports shows each Appliance that has been tested,
the unique Appliance ID, Appliance Desciption,
Date Tested and Retest Due Date. The Appliance
Register also shows the location of the appliance,
and this report is sorted by the Location Description
(where the appliance was when tested).
reports shows the details of each appliance that
failed testing. The report is printed on red paper
and shows the Location of the appliance, unique
Appliance Id, Appliance Description, plus the
reason for the failure.
reports shows each Appliance that has been tested,
the unique Appliance ID, Date Tested, Retest Due
Date plus the Full Test Results. This report shows
and is sorted by the Location Description.
colour Certificate of Electrical Safety Testing
is supplied for you to display on your company
premises. The certificate displays your company
name/address, valid until date and the address
of your ElectrAtest engineer.
All of the above reports (with the exception
of the Certificate of Electrical Testing) are
presented in a bound folder for easy storage and
quick retrieval. This folder includes the following:
Register Fail
Certificates (if Applicable) Pass
Certificates Information
& Guidance Notes for Portable Appliance Testing